How to Find the Path Forward?

The unprecedented, sudden changes wrought by the Covid-19 crisis have deep and wide implications across business and civil society.  Read more

Where the heck is the virus?

Who engineered such a perfect particle to stop the world within weeks?

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10 Positive Effects of Covid-19

1. We are getting closer as families. I see so many of my neighbors walking on streets as a family. I hear my friends spending time in kitchen cooking and eating together, watching Netflix later, and enjoying Whats-app humor. We are learning who we are, and how our parents and grandparents lived.

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COVID19 has kicked us “Out of Box” What now?

Within a span of couple of weeks, all of us find ourselves “Out of the Box,” kicked out by COVID 19. Even though we had some early warning, we stayed complacent as it was on the other side of the planet, forgetting that the World is Flat.

From the memory lane

One week after 9/11/2001, my former CEO at a small business called an emergency meeting of his board and specially invited a bunch of us thinking types from the R&D, asked “How will this event (9/11) change our business in next 3/12/24 months and what should we do?”  It was a scenario-based response exercise on steroids. We put together a list of top 10 actions, many of which were counter intuitive but still passed the sniff test. We made it through the economic downturn, that wiped some of our peer companies. Read more